Simple Tips to Look More Attractive at Work – Like it or not, someone who has an attractive appearance is seen more in the eyes of other people. This also applies in the world of work. Where sometimes there are several types of work that require someone who looks attractive.
In the world of work, having an attractive and neat appearance is one of the main factors towards success. Someone who looks neat or attractive will be seen as more professional in the eyes of society. This is very important because your appearance indirectly reflects your personality in the eyes of other people .

This more attractive appearance can also be reflected in our clothing and lifestyle. So, to make your appearance more attractive, here are simple tips that you can try:

Be diligent in cleaning yourself

Cleanliness is part of a positive self-image. Even if you are someone who looks “ordinary”, you still shouldn’t forget to keep your body clean. 

For those of you who are lazy about bathing or cleaning yourself, you should immediately change this habit. Make sure that you have showered and cleaned your whole body before going to work. Personal hygiene is also very important to keep us away from various types of diseases that may arise due to a dirty body.

Personal hygiene is also a form of reflection of responsibility towards oneself. If you can’t be responsible for your own cleanliness, especially for other more difficult jobs.

Wear suitable and comfortable clothing

Choosing clothes that are appropriate and suitable for the work situation is a skill that you must learn. Of course, work situations can vary. If you are in a formal work environment, then try wearing formal and neat clothing to look more professional and of course more attractive.

If you are in a casual work environment, wear clothes that are more stylish but still polite. In the workplace, the most important thing besides neat and suitable clothing is clothing that is comfortable to wear for a long time. Whether it’s formal or casual, choose clothing materials that are quality but still comfortable to wear for a long time.

You will spend quite a long time at work, at least 8 hours every day. So wear clothes with comfortable materials. Clothes that are suitable and comfortable will also increase your self-confidence when dealing with other people.

Carry out regular self-care

Apart from personal hygiene and suitable clothing, you also need to put more effort into taking care of your body.

This self-care includes neat teeth, clean fingernails, hair style, etc. Even if you don’t work as a model, paying attention to these little things can drastically change your appearance to be more attractive. For example, change your hairstyle to a model that better suits your face shape.

This will certainly help you become a more attractive person. Apart from a suitable hairstyle, healthy and straight teeth can also help you become a more attractive person. Brush your teeth regularly and clean tartar at least once a year to maintain healthy teeth. 

If necessary, try to straighten the incorrect position of your teeth by using braces so that they are more symmetrical and look neat. For you ladies, try using make up that is appropriate and excessive. Use enough to appropriately enhance attractiveness without appearing excessive.

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